clinical nutrition
clinical nutrition is defined as the “discipline that deals with the prevention, diagnosis and management of nutritional and metabolic changes related to acute and chronic disease and conditions caused by a lack or excess of energy and nutrients”(ESPEN Guidelines). Diet and certain nutrients work together in our bodies, and can have a profound affect on how the genes in our body function. Naturopathic doctor’s understand that the nutrients found in our diet have the proficiency to regulate the underlying molecular mechanisms of the human body. There has been major development over the years in the area of epigenetics (changes in the expression of genes caused by things other than our DNA sequencing, such as health behaviours and our environment) and study on the ability for the nutrients we consume and environmental factors to affect the length and stability of our telomeres. By applying clinical nutrition to someones lifestyle, we can help in the prevention and treatment of certain health concerns and conditions.
references & resources
1.Cederholm, T., Barazzoni, R., Austin, P., Ballmer, P., Biolo, G., Bischoff S.C., et al. (2017). ESPEN guidelines on definitions and terminology of clinical nutrition. Clin Nutr. 36: 49-64.
2.Sardesai, V (2012). Introduction to Clinical Nutrition. Third Edition. CRC Press, Taylor & Frances Group, Florida.